Anyways, here are some pictures from my big day:
This is Trinity Lutheran Church, where I am serving. The sanctuary was decorated for All Saints' Day, which was the day I was consecrated.
That's Bishop Claire Burkat, me, and my husband Pierre. At the beginning of the consecration, the bishop called up members of my family, staff, and council to stand with me.
During the service (that's Pastor Becky Eisenhart on the right).
My sister Tina is presenting me with my basin, pitcher, and diaconal stole.
All done! Do I look like I have warm deacon fuzzies?
I am really thankful to have finished this process, to be serving in such a wonderful synod and congregation, and to have such great friends, family, and colleagues surrounding me!
**If you want to know more about diaconal ministry, consecrations, or any of that sort of stuff, read my post from September 25, 2007**